
See the context of this sign.

Poston 1942-1945

In October of 1942, 5,300 children from nursery school
through high school were enrolled. The first school
classes were held in barracks in a regular block set
aside as a school site. Evacuees made adobe bricks for
a more permanent campus which was completed in 1843.
Poston Camp I, II and III each had an elementary and
high school which provided academic and athletic
rivalry and competition.

An irrigation canal was built which ran
through Poston Camp I, II and III
transporting water for agricultural
crops. This canal provided an ideal
condition to construct a "swimming
hole." This facility was built with
cottonwood logs gathered from the
nearby Colorado River which provided
a place for recreation as well as relief
from the hot summer sun and heat.
When water was brought to Poston in
1943, 11 varieties of food crops ranging
from beans to watermelon were grown
and harvested. White radish (daikon) was
one of the successful crops yielding 9,149
pounds per acre.

Poems from the "Poston Bungei"
Published 1943-1945

In the human world,
when will the storm ever end
on what future day?
Fenced around as we are here,
greeting another summer season.
-Shizuko Muta

For some time to come
I've decided to stay here
And planted some seeds

Free Verse
Endless war
And endless desert
A line of Simmering air.
-Yoshitake Morita

Translation by Katsumi Kunitsugu

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