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C. Gregory Crampton


In 1956, Dr. C. Gregory Crampton, Professor of History at the
University of Utah, was awared a Federal contract to research and
document the history of the canyons that would be covered by the
waters of Lake Powell. With a novel combination of field research,
documentary investigation, and interviews conducted during the years
from 1957 to 1963, Crampton produced a number of monographs that
have proved immensely valuable to historians.

Of all Crampton's career—decades as a university professor and
author—he took most pride in his Glen Canyon research. Throughout
the remainder of his life, he was renowned as the preeminent
Glen Canyon Expert.

He later wrote the award-winning book, Standing Up Country, an
overview of the history of canyonlands in Utah and Arizona, and Land
of Living Rock
, a history of the Grand Canyon region. He followed these
with the popular Ghosts of Glen Canyon, a recounting of historical
episodes in Glen Canyon before Lake Powell. Dr. Crampton also wrote
books about the Ols Spanish Trail, the Pueblo of Zuni, and the
Arizona Strip.

To his friends, "Greg" was known as a generous, witty, and affable
companion. He enlivened many evenings with his good humor and
stories from the past.

Gregory Crampton died in May 1995 and his ashes were scattered
at Lee's Ferry.

Placed 1998 by friends of C. Gregory Crampton.

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