
See the context of this sign.

Prickly Pears and Pinon Nuts

A worn and hungry band of Spanish explorers made camp at Johnson
Wash, six miles to the east, on October 21, 1776. Fathers Dominguez and
Escalante called it Santa Barbara. They found no water for horses or the
men who were subsisting on meager supplies of pinon nuts and
prickly-pear cakes obtained in trade from the local Paiutes.

The Spaniards had already spent nights without water and only minimal
nourishment. Lorenzo de Olivares was nearly mad with thirst after eating
too many of the salty cactus cakes. He dissappeared that evening stumbling
up the wash. Having worried about their companion all night, the padres
found him the next morning at some small pools near the base of the red
Shinarump Cliffs to the north.

The territory known as the Arizona Strip confronted the expedition with
some of its most brutal difficulties. Wandering first southeasterly then
north, without the aid of native guides, they struggled through a harsh and
rutted land searching for the Ute crossing of the Colorado River.

Dominguez and Escalante returned to Santa Fe in January, 1777 after
exploring much of what is now the Four Corners region but having failed in
their effort to open a land route to Spanish settlements at Monterey.

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Fredonia, Arizona in 417 images.